About Us
Welcome to our farm…..blog.
Plane View Farm is located on a fourth generation property in southern Missouri. Andrew and Mandy Bryan, along with their four children and Australian Shepherds Molly and Rusty, currently live on the property originally purchased by Andrew’s great-grandfather in the 1940’s. Andrew is a 7th generation Missouri farmer and the 4th generation to live on and farm the property that is Plane View Farm. After being left vacant for about 15 years, Andrew purchased the property from family and set about the task of renovating the house originally built by his grandparents and restoring the pastures to their former glory.
If you have found us because your’re looking for farming ideas, inspiration or just a good laugh; or just happened to stumble upon this site for no apparent reason, we hope that you will leave impressed and encouraged about the future of farming.
Thank you for joining us on our journey to rebuild the family farm!
Simple living, easy recipes with fresh local ingredients, farmhouse style, raising farm animals and kids are all the things that bring me joy and I would love to share them with you.
As a wife and mother of four young kids I love being home on our farm. Our little farm and farmhouse is what I have always wanted and exactly where I want to raise my children. My days are hectic and never go the way I plan, if they did that would make for a boring day.
As the Bible says “there is nothing new under the sun”. I just try to enjoy what God has blessed me with and what my husband has put years into building for our family. I would love to be the one who encourages you to do the same.
Thanks for stopping by
– Mandy
I handle the day to day operation of the farm from caring for the animals to building fence to equipment maintenance and repair. I wear many hats and find joy in everyone. If you want to know what I’ve been up to check out our videos page or visit our YouTube Channel: @PlaneViewFarm
– Andrew