Have you ever wondered about a farmers market? Does the thought of a farmers market seem exciting, yet overwhelming all at the same time? Is it even possible to buy exclusively from a farmers market and replace trips to the grocery store? How do you know if shopping a farmers market is the right fit for you? In this post I hope to teach you all about farmers markets. Or at least a few things anyway.

Appeal of a Farmers Market
Grocery stores are predictable and don’t require much thinking. If you are trying to stay on a budget creating a shopping list might take a little time. To make things even easier, stores now offer grocery pick up. I use this service all the time. I’ve had my fill trying to teach four kids to behave in public. Actually, they do all right (with the exception of the two year old who seems to enjoy throwing herself on the floor screaming). It’s easy to shop grocery stores the same way every time, usually buying the same items. It’s routine, easy, and comfortable.
You may be wondering, what is the appeal of a farmers market?
I think the main appeal of a farmers market is knowing where your food is coming from. It’s going to be locally grown to your area and you are supporting your neighbors. It gives the sense of community which is something we all greatly need. I think in some ways that has been lost a little over the past few years.
At a farmers market if you have questions about what you are buying, you can simply ask the farmer. The one who grew or raised the product. At a grocery store you don’t get that kind of inside information.
Throughout the years as I have visited farmers markets and entertained the idea of local shopping, I’ve had a hard time sticking to it. I always go back to the convenience and comfort of grocery stores.
Over the past couple of years we have seen prices at the grocery store skyrocket as well as empty shelves. It no longer feels as stable and secure as it used to. When I place a grocery order I fully expect to not get some items. It’s the same way if I go inside to shop. I usually have to change a few of my meals because some things I needed were out of stock. This seems like the norm these days. I’m ready to try something new.
I know there are families that buy all locally and thrive doing so. I also know that every family is different with their own needs and desires. What’s possible for some is just not realistic for others.
For my family, my goal is to not completely stop shopping at grocery stores but to add more fresh local foods from local farmers.
It’s about finding a middle ground. I think we tend to be too all or nothing in our thinking.

Make a plan
Take note of what you make for your family each week. If you’re like me you’re going to find that you cook the same meals again and again.
Instead of trying to replace all the food you normally buy from the grocery store with a farmers market in one trip to the market, try just replacing one or two items to start.
Start with trying to replace one of those meals with ingredients from the farmers market. Remember though, that some farmers market’s are seasonal. So trying to get all the ingredients for a Bacon Lettuce and Tomato sandwich in December from a farmers market is just not going to happen.
Which brings me to another point. Food at a farmers markets are seasonal, so it’s important to know what produce is available each season. This will also be different depending on where you live.
As you get more comfortable and confident in shopping at a farmers market, you will start replacing more and more items that you would get from a grocery store.
Don’t be afraid to try something new.
There is much more at a farmers market than produce. I suggest the first few times you visit one, just look around. Don’t go with the intentions to buy anything. Take your time to see what your local market offers. Often you will find much more than produce. Locally hand make items like jams and jellies, soaps, drinks and coffees, and even furniture and hand made toys can all be found at a farmers’ market.

How to find a farmers market near you.
A great way to find a farmers market near you is by jumping in your car and driving around on a Saturday morning. That’s how I found the one I shop at and over the years it has grown into a pretty big market for our area.
Another way is searching on Facebook and following your local farmers market. This also helps to know any changes or new vendors that your famers market might have throughout the year.
You can also search for your local market with the links below:

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